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Sekol products contain what we call „benefitial bacteria“ stored in a sleeping form. Once activated, the
bacteria starts waking up and working. It normally takes 2-3 weeks for the bacteria colony to grow large
enough to handle all the waste. Their main aimis to reach natural balance. We offer a huge spectrum of
products to choose from for everyone.
Why should we harm the invironment by chemicals when there is a technology working for over million years?
Enzymatic product for cleaning and maintenance of sewerage systems that also stops undesirable secondary odour from sinks. Thanks to expecially selected enzymes it prevents from pipes blocking, decomposes biological substances, cleans pipes from organic contamination and dissolves fat and washing sediments. In contrast to chemical products, there is no damage to internal surface of pipes and sewerage system.
Another suitable helper is a product containing bacteria maintaining differently sized ponds, making the water crystaly clear. This type of bacteria munch on any organic waste and convert deadly ammonia in ponds into nitrates that are integral part of pond filtration. The nitrates are then taken up by the pond plants. This cycle makes the bacteria essential to the health and well being of the water. It also stabilizes a pH level close to neutral and supports growth of pond plants.
These bacteria will support the correct function of your sewage disposal plant. They can be found in products such as JENOR for home SDP. They help decompose any biological substances such as toilet paper, washing sediments and grease. Bacteria for SDP restore the cleaning process during usage dropout (holidays) and boost the cleaning action during extreme usage (visitors, extra washing...). When used regularly the SDP becomes a non-toxic liquid without an organic odour. These enzymes are for the SDP almost a necessity.
Enzymatic products for cleaning and maintenance of sewerage systems. Product Fitonela prevents secondary odour from sinks, decomposes biological substances, cleans blocked pipeline, dissolves fat, washing sediments and many other organic waste. Fitonela is recommended for drains extremely contaminated by fat. Thanks to the enzymes contained in the products the fat turns into acid that is released to the sewage.